I cannot conceive the reason as to why blame the knowledge, why to find fault with science and its wonderful discoveries. Genome Mapping and eugenics are not responsible if a Pandora's box of problems related to ethics, morality and biological issues has opened up. Knowledge is knowledge. It is power. Its use or misuse is man's responsibility. It is upto you whether you use it for good or for evil. It is, in itself neither a boon nor bane. In the name of ethics morality and humanity you cannot stop the onward march of science. And I may assure you that soon we may have the first human clone. Many specialists and experts have expressed in this field their desire to clone a human. Man cannot remain content with cloning of Dolly the sheep, AND I the monkey etc.
I am also in favour of human cloning. I am well aware of the risks and dangers involved in it. People are afraid that this knowledge may be used for the benefit of the rich and the affluent only because it is so costly. They also say that it would be sheer madness for man to try to play God and change the genetic code as he pleases. But the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. Would you banish fire because it may burn your houses to ashes? The DNA research has opened up many new avenues and opportunities for all of us. It helps us a lot in developing new drugs and vaccines to fight with deadly diseases and improving our health-care' system. We are badly in need of another green revolution which is possible only with the help of plant genetics. I don't say that the fear of ecologists who say that it could have catastrophic effects on environment and that the genes of new crops could pollinate other plants wrecking fundamental changes in wild life and create super weeds which are resistant to herbicides. Better we devise means against these dangerous possibilities instead of banning cloning and related researches.
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Key Words: cloning, human cloning, cloning and its adverse effects, ban on cloning, cloning and its evils, Human Cloning should be done away, cloning is the future, cloning will induce power, cloning the way ahead, human cloning should not be banned