Thursday, February 6, 2014

What’s wrong in calling India a country of Rapists?

A couple of Weeks ago, there was a strong backlash on the comments posted by the American on a social networking website. She had written "It's the vegetarians that are doing the raping, not the meat eaters - this place is just so bizarre." If one thinks over for a while on this comment, one shouldn't find anything wrong in it.

Why do we Indians get so defensive if someone of foreign says something about us. Even though if it is correct. Lets face it, Truth is Bitter and damn it is. I don’t find anything wrong with the statement. And if you are  reading newspaper or watching TV news regularly, you should admit it too.

One should not be oblivious of the fact that India is a country with highest number of REPORTED Rapes in this country. As per Wikipedia, 24,206 rape cases were registered in India in 2011 alone.  A new case is reported every 20 minutes. Take not of the word “Reported”. The number of unreported rapes is out of my imagination. And all these numbers do not include the Marital Rapes that always takes a backseat when the brutal rapes are already enough to handle.

So clearly, backed by the facts, India stands out PROUDLY as being a nation of rapists. Then why do we Indians become so defensive when someone points a figure. Why cannot we stand the truth and face it upfront.

Every newspaper, every news channel is full of rapes. If rapes weren't enough, we have gone a step with gang rapes. It not one individual but communities involved. There have been cases where sexual assaults against have been openly endorsed by local communities, panchayats and Khaps. A latest case doing the rounds is that of a tribal girl in West Bengal.

 Rapes and sexual crime have become so common that even police take it lightly and many times advise victims not to report such matters. If this is what a large portion of population think, isn't saying India a country of Rapists right.

It’s time to stand up and admit what is right.

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